Q: What Makes Hoof-Alive Better?

A: Hoof-Alive contains lanolin, a natural oil refined from sheep wool which effectively repels water when applied skin and hooves. Hoof-Alive keeps blood and moisture in the hoof, promoting healing and tissue restoration. The hoof wall becomes weatherproof and resistant to excessive heat and moisture. This weatherproof quality maintains a moisture balance in the hoof resulting in a clean, healthy, flexible hoof, a hoof that is stress free and impervious to the elements.

Q: What makes Hoof-Alive different from competitive products?

A: It is natural, non-irritating and completely compatible with both the hoof wall and other sensitive living tissue. It is undiluted by fillers such as water or wax. Hoof-Alive's 100% concentrated, petroleum free composition makes it 10-25 times as concentrated as competitive products. Amazing results are obtained with as little as one application a week.

Q: What about other cracks like "water" cracks and "quarter" cracks?

A: "Water" cracks occur when the hoof repeatedly gets water-logged from excess water (i.e. irrigated fields and muddy conditions), and then dries out as the horse moves out on to dry ground. This wet-dry, wet-dry, process almost always causes "water" cracks. Hoof-Alive, used as directed, prevents these cracks by repelling ground water. These cracks almost always occur near the center of the "toe". Quarter cracks are so named because they are located in the lateral (outside) or medial (inside) "quarter" of the hoof. They are almost always caused from Stress due to a lack of flexibility. Hoof-Alive gives maximum flexibility which increases the circulation and improves the overall hoof performance. What you end up with is a clean, flexible hoof. A hoof that is stress free and can take the punishment of the harsh outside elements.

Q: How does Soaking the coronet work?

A: The coronet soaker keeps Hoof-alive in direct contact with the growth tissues (the coriums) of the coronet. The coronet underneath the soaker acts as a wick, drawing the Hoof-Alive into the hoof. The soaker retains the heat in this area and helps Hoof-Alive to penetrate into the growth tissue pampering this delicate tissue. Use around the clock for two weeks, reapplying approximately 1 tablespoon every 48 hours .

NOTE!!! Keep wood shavings away from soaker. The shavings get into the fleece and will act as an irritant. If you use shavings, make sure to 'vet wrap' your soaker, making sure not to over tighten the wrap.

Q: "How often do you use Hoof-Alive?"

A: At least twice the first week then once per week after that, this of course depends the horses' environment and how often he is exposed to extreme conditions. In excessively wet or dry areas, more frequent applications of Hoof-Alive may be necessary if you are not seeing positive results within the first week. By the end of the first week, you should see a smoother exterior on the hoof wall and cracks swelled closed. Increase the number of applications per week, one at a time, until you see the results.

Q: "Can you use it too often?"

A: Yes. You can use anything too much. If the hoof is getting "spongy", you are using too much Hoof-Alive. Any Hoof-Alive not penetrated into the hoof after 48 hours indicates an excessive application. With Hoof-Alive, half as much goes twice as far!

Q: "What exact results, visible and unseen, can someone expect?"

A: Most major and all minor cracks should swell shut within one week, providing proper hoof care (trimming or shoeing) is done prior to soaking. The horse that was lame because of the crack should be sound by the end of the 2nd week.

Q: "Should you put Hoof-Alive on the bottom of the hoof?"

A: Yes. Once The first week and about once every month or so, unless you have a shriveled up frog and contracted heels (heels that are coming together)... then use it on the bottom with each application.